Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Meals the Australian Way

G'day, my illustrious pinky-raisers! I've been in Aussie land for about a month now and have observed with great interest the way food is introduced throughout the day.

One starts the day with breakfast. Muesli (pronounced M-you-zlee) and yoghurt is the typical example of the way I break my "fast".

About mid-morning one partakes in morning tea. Or coffee. If I miss morning tea, I can always make up for it by inserting hobbit-ish elevenses into my day.

Then there's lunch, followed (around three or four Post meridiem) by afternoon tea. About this time I'm in the mood for hot chocolate or Milo.

Dinner is followed directly by dessert, and then around nine in the evening, supper is served. Supper consists of the hot drink of your choice and a variety of snacks. I've only had supper once, and it included cookies, cheesecake, chocolate, and strawberries.

There you go-- you should all try it sometime. I love six "meals" a day.

Much love,
"Elnora Birdy"